" will there be more earthquakes? "
road to nowhere
JoinedPosts by road to nowhere
by blondie in"a number of techniques employed to mislead others fall under the category of weasel words, and this article quotes examples that are regularly found in watchtower publications.. weasel words are defined as:.
“words or statements that are intentionally ambiguous or misleading,”[1].
intended “to avoid answering a question clearly or to make someone believe something that is not true."[2].
Hailstone message.....June 23 WT
by mikeflood innew jun 23 wt....elders to follow gideon example, even if instructions doesn't seems practical, gideon reduced army by 99 % and he obeyed, it could be changes in theocratic direction similar to this.
what that means?.
elders will need the courage to follow instructions "may relate to delivering a symbolic hailstone message...".. in another section "major world events may raise some from spiritual slumber".
Mass Shooting at Kingdom Hall in Hamburg, Germany
by EdenOne inmass shooting at a kingdom hall in hamburg, germany this evening.
at least 6 or 7 killed, dozens injured.
single shooter on the run, police doesn't rule out more shooters.
road to nowhere
Maybe a bigger " no weapons" sign? An assessment of who has guns, is not gung ho, and announcements.
Sanctions against hunters would backfire and maybe set off someone.
Unhappily the solution is allowing an armed presence.
Breaking News: Anthony Morris III no longer serving on the Governing Body
by WingCommander inthis has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
road to nowhere
From appearances now, there is no one on the current GB who is that hostile to Morris
Reading between the lines I surmise Lett the clown is actually a cunning despot.
I never would have thought I would have any feeling forTM, but this like watching a soviet purge.
In actuality Purges came about under every WT leader
When Did the Watchtower Introduce the "Generation of 1914" Teaching?
by Ding ini'm looking for help to track down the development of the "generation" doctrine, starting with when the wt first specifically tied the end to the generation of 1914.. russell taught that 1914 would be the end of this system of things.
when that failed, rutherford started touting 1925.. no need to talk about generations then; it was just specific dates.. when did they first tie the end in to a "generation of 1914" time frame?.
i also know that they changed the meaning of generation several times.. first, a person had to have been at least 15 in order to have seen the events of 1914 with understanding of what was happening.. i think they lowered that to 10 and then finally it was anyone who was alive in 1914.. of course, now the generation overlaps.. does anyone know someone where all these wt teachings are set out chronologically (preferably with citations to the literature)?.
road to nowhere
The problem is plagiarized ideas put forth as if they came directly from heaven to the " only" true religion
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Young "Elders"
by XBEHERE inever since the annual meeting last october and the letter to bodies of elders stating that "exceptional young men perhaps in their early 20's could qualify for appointment as elders.." it even states this in the updated elders manual!
have any of you pimo's, pimq's, or those on here with family/friends still in hear of any young men being appointed as elders yet?
i am talking 21, 22, 23, 24 etc.
road to nowhere
We're watching a fast track 7 or 8 year old being pushed in the " school" right now. Constant bragging on him. I do have to admit he has better reading, pronunciation, and grammar than half the elders. Hw will no doubt be baptized before puberty then there are usually only two outcomes; monster zealot or monster girl chaser. Or both
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UK Hospital using Kingdom Melodies - complaint
by AEnEm ini found out that a uk hospital (nnuh) uses kingdom melodies as hold music, apparently for some years!
i called and heard it myself.
i wrote an email to the complaints team and await a response.
road to nowhere
A friend mentioned seeing a few beards in recent pictures of the new world.
Related: that bible ( book)study video this,week had a woman progressing in da troof starting with an afro, then braids, then straightened hair.
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Christmas Decorations at the Kingdom hall
by Simon ini can't remember if i've told this story before .... but back in the day, in irlam congregation (northwest england, uk, cheshire #1 circuit i think) we used to rent a kingdom hall for many years before we eventually built our own.. preston hall.
ah, the memories .... it was primarily used as a community hall for old folks, but we had it friday night and sunday morning.. there was a loft and fold-out ladder and we used to store the chairs up their.
every meeting, there would be an assembly line of all the "lads" to pass the chairs down and set them up, then collect them up and pass them back up at the end of the meeting.
road to nowhere
A 3rd or 4th cousin of my dad had money and owned a building with a meeting hall over it. She let the JW s ( she was one) use it. But she also had a New Years party there every year. Chart, text, and whistles mixed Dad wouldn't go. I sure miss her and that part of childhood. It was a 40 mile trip up there, big meals ( Thanksgiving), a mansion to explore, long drives into mountains, a chance to plink with .22s.
Many times we cleaned an armory after new years for the two and half day assembly. Thats where I spotted my wife.
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